#面试#A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!
Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps
翻译 - Mercury:轻松将 Python notebook 转换为 Web 应用程序并与他人共享
#计算机科学#Elyra extends JupyterLab with an AI centric approach.
翻译 - Elyra以AI为中心的方法扩展了JupyterLab笔记本。
Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping
翻译 - 300多个Jupyter Python笔记本示例的集合,这些示例将Google Earth Engine与交互式映射一起使用
(Finished) Geek Time Data Analysis Practical 45 Lecture - Detailed notes containing markdown images mind map code data can be read directly code test
#自然语言处理#The hands-on NLTK tutorial for NLP in Python
#计算机科学#Continual Learning tutorials and demo running on Google Colaboratory.
Control DJI Tello 🛸 using hand gesture recognition on drone`s camera video-stream. Feel free to contribute!
An implementation of a full named-entity evaluation metrics based on SemEval'13 Task 9 - not at tag/token level but considering all the tokens that are part of the named-entity
#数据仓库#Machine Learning eXchange (MLX). Data and AI Assets Catalog and Execution Engine
parametric julia notebooks
Data science and Big Data with Python
Python教程基础教程,Python3小白入门课程,python菜鸟教程,Python基本语法和安装,python实用教程,python程序教程,Python快速入门到精通,python少儿编程,python教学工具,Python全栈学习教程,python开源教程,python简明教程,python courses,python syntax,python syntax courses
#计算机科学#Loan Application Data Analysis
#计算机科学#Shell scripts for setting up Manjaro Linux for Python programming and deep learning
A Julia package for converting your Pluto and Jupyter Notebooks into beautiful Latex.
#计算机科学#Pytorch notebook with One Cycle Policy implementation (https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.09820)
#计算机科学#Jupyter Notebooks Collection for Learning Time Series Models