Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
翻译 - Statsmodels:Python中的统计建模和计量经济学
Apache HoraeDB (incubating) is a high-performance, distributed, cloud native time-series database.
#计算机科学#A professionally curated list of awesome resources (paper, code, data, etc.) on transformers in time series.
#Awesome#A professional list of Papers, Tutorials, and Surveys on AI for Time Series in top AI conferences and journals.
#计算机科学#GRASS - free and open-source geospatial processing engine
翻译 - GRASS GIS-免费和开源的地理信息系统(GIS)
#时序数据库#Time series easier, faster, more fun. Pytimetk.
#时序数据库#A Python library for detecting patterns and anomalies in massive datasets using the Matrix Profile
翻译 - 一个使用Matrix Profile检测大型数据集中的模式和异常的Python库
Anomaly detection
#计算机科学#A simple and flexible code for Reservoir Computing architectures like Echo State Networks
#时序数据库#Predict time-series with one line of code.
#时序数据库#If you can measure it, consider it predicted
Python implementation of k-Shape
#时序数据库#API for manipulating time series on top of Apache Spark: lagged time values, rolling statistics (mean, avg, sum, count, etc), AS OF joins, downsampling, and interpolation
#自然语言处理#ML based projects such as Spam Classification, Time Series Analysis, Text Classification using Random Forest, Deep Learning, Bayesian, Xgboost in Python
trend / momentum and other patterns in financial timeseries
This tool should help discover different patterns based on similarity measures in historical (financial) data
Timeseries Anomaly detection and Root Cause Analysis on data in SQL data warehouses and databases
Public Fused UDFs. Build any scale workflows with the Fused Python SDK and Workbench webapp, and integrate them into your stack with the Fused Hosted API.
#计算机科学#Time-Series Anomaly Detection Comprehensive Benchmark
Contains an implementation (sklearn API) of the algorithm proposed in "GENDIS: GEnetic DIscovery of Shapelets" and code to reproduce all experiments.