#Awesome#A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)
翻译 - 精选的Quants(定量金融)极好的图书馆,软件包和资源清单
#计算机科学#Qlib 是一个 AI 量化投资平台,涵盖了量化投资的全过程,为用户的 AI 算法提供了高性能的底层基础架构
yfinance 是一个用于下载雅虎金融数据的Python包
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
翻译 - TuShare是一个用于抓取中国股票历史数据的实用程序
Transparent and Efficient Financial Analysis
Extract data from a wide range of Internet sources into a pandas DataFrame.
翻译 - 从各种Internet来源中提取数据到pandas DataFrame中。
Stonks is a terminal based stock visualizer and tracker that displays realtime stocks in graph format in a terminal. See how fast your stonks will crash.
翻译 - Stonks是基于终端的股票可视化工具和跟踪器,可在终端中以图形格式显示实时股票。看看您的垃圾会崩溃多快。
Examples of python neural net and ML stock prediction methods with sample stock data.