Track and evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio across stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.
翻译 - 一个简单的工具来计算投资组合的整体绩效。
#计算机科学#Statistical and Algorithmic Investing Strategies for Everyone
翻译 - 针对所有人的统计和算法投资策略
A program for financial portfolio management, analysis and optimisation.
An Open Source Portfolio Backtesting Engine for Everyone | 面向所有人的开源投资组合回测引擎
World beating online covariance and portfolio construction.
Track your multiple investment or portfolios and calculate returns in one place.
A Soccer Bet Portfolio Strategy Project
SilverFir: Investment Report 🌲 Инвестиционный отчёт в гугл доках, куда можно добавить любой актив и скачивать цену автоматически
Free python/telegram bot for easy execution and surveillance of crypto trading plans on multiple exchanges.
Code and data for my blogs
Python financial widgets with okama and Dash (plotly)
次元期权应征面试题范例。 #易经 #道家 #十二生肖 #姓氏堂号子嗣贞节牌坊 #天文历法 #张灯结彩 #农历 #夜观星象 #廿四节气 #算卜 #紫微斗数 #十二时辰 #生辰八字 #命运 #风水 《始祖赢政之子赢家黄氏江夏堂联富•秦谏——大秦赋》 万般皆下品,唯有读书高。🚩🇨🇳🏹🦔中科红旗,歼灭所有世袭制可兰经法家回教徒巫贼巫婆、洋番、峇峇娘惹。
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. This repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
A simple Python API for Investopedia's stock simulator games. This programmatically logs into Investopedia and can retrieve portfolio summary, get stock quotes & option chain lookups, execute trades ...
#计算机科学#An investment portfolio of stocks is created using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) stock price prediction and optimized weights. The performance of this portfolio is better compared to an equally weight...
WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode.
Integrating ESG scores into asset allocation and portfolio optimization through a GUI application.
#Awesome#😎 List of awesome investing tools and software
A command line tool for managing financial investment portfolios.
#计算机科学#This project tries to replicate hedge funds returns.