Track and evaluate the performance of your investment portfolio across stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets.
翻译 - 一个简单的工具来计算投资组合的整体绩效。
Use TradeRepublic in terminal and mass download all documents bereitet Kontoauszüge verschiedener bekannter P2P Kreditanbieter (wie z.B. Mintos, Estateguru, ...) in einem von PortfolioPerformance lesbaren CSV-Format auf.
Python script to extract TradeRepublic transaction statements (PDF) and generate .csv overview sheets (Portfolio Performance &
This is a Docker container for Portfolio Performance.
Converts a Charles Schwab transaction CSV file to a ready-to-import CSV file for Portfolio Performance.
#区块链#Parser for parsing ledger data from Kraken for Portfolio Performance
Portfolio Performance in Docker
Прокладка для получения данных с MOEX и SPBEX для использования с Portfolio Performance.
Documentation of the Portfolio Tracker
On a five, ten, and thirty year time horizon, projections were made for a portfolio. This portfolio included stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrency. Code for the Monte Carlo simulations are available in th...
Automated download all available historic market prices of a stock from, save as CSV file to use in PortfolioPerformance
Functions to track the performance of your investments. It works with the R Shiny App Portfolio Tracker.
The Analytic Companion for Portfolio Performance
Parses Portfolio Performance XMLs and returns a JSON representation
#区块链#Crypto currency staking rewards parser for Portfolio Performance
Tools to import data from an onvista bank depot account into the Portfolio Performance application.
This program parses account statements from mintos and return a readable portfolio performance file
This script converts a JSON response generated from Alpaca trade executions to a CSV format suitable for importing into Portfolio Performance.
Turn Mintos account statements into importable CSVs for Portfolio Performance