A stock portfolio manager that provides neural net based short-term predictions for stocks and natural language processing based analysis on community sentiments.
#安卓#TechLead @Askany-NDN | 🌟 @dart-lang, @flutter, @android, @aws, @webrtc | 💻 Open-Source Enthusiast | ☕ Chasing dreams one line of code at a time
My interactive portfolio website with Material You color schemes. Built with Angular, TypeScript, and uses Sass.
Personal website with Github pages and Angular
Personal portfolio website. Build with React, NextJs, scss, custom hooks, typescript. Deployed on Vercel.
Python script to extract TradeRepublic transaction statements (PDF) and generate .csv overview sheets (Portfolio Performance & Investing.com).
My personal portfolio website built with Dart & Flutter with beautiful animations on every page and a custom pre-loader that is displayed when flutter is loading.
My intuitive portfolio which is developed on the top of latest features of Next JS
A simple portfolio template using React and Material-Design
Web Systems & Technologies Activity #1 (Bio Data)
Portfolio Website built with Next.js and HeroUI!
Personal portfolio showing last projects, products and companies I was working on.
A simple python script to follow stock market papers in your portfolio 📊