Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
翻译 - python中的金融投资组合优化,包括经典有效前沿,Black-Litterman,分层风险平价
Portfolio Optimization and Quantitative Strategic Asset Allocation in Python
翻译 - Riskfolio-Lib是一个库,用于使用Python进行定量战略资产分配或投资组合优化。
A program for financial portfolio management, analysis and optimisation.
An Open Source Portfolio Backtesting Engine for Everyone | 面向所有人的开源投资组合回测引擎
Modular Python library that provides an advanced event driven backtester and a set of high quality tools for quantitative finance. Integrated with various data vendors and brokers, supports Crypto, St...
翻译 - 模块化 Python 库,提供先进的事件驱动回测器和一组高质量的量化金融工具。
Python package designed for general financial and security returns analysis.
Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS) package implements Python analytics for visualisation of financial data, performance reporting, analysis of quantitative strategies.
Оценка эффективности инвестиций с учетом комиссий, налогов (удержанных и ожидающихся), дивидендов и купонов.
Entropy Pooling views and stress-testing combined with Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) portfolio optimization in Python. scraper that consolidates tens of thousands of financial records into a SQLite relational database. Class 'dataframes' easily converts the SQLite data into pandas DataFrames (see Jupyt...
Displays corporate earnings and fundamentals in the easy to analyze format
A sentiment analyzer package for financial assets and securities utilizing GPT models.
SilverFir: Investment Report 🌲 Инвестиционный отчёт в гугл доках, куда можно добавить любой актив и скачивать цену автоматически
#计算机科学#Simple Stock Investment Recommendation System based on Machine-Learning algorithms for prediction and Twitter Sentiment Analysis.
#区块链#R Shiny app to compare the relative performance of cryptos and equities.
#计算机科学#🤖 Predict the stock market with AI 用AI预测股票市场
Code and data for my blogs
Noba not only backtrader as a quantitative investment platform, but also visualized using bokeh, which can get richer plot effects. Additionally, Noba also provide 'Ioc Container', 'Event System', 'Da...
#计算机科学#Scrape, analyze & visualize stock market data for the S&P500 using Python. Build a basic trading strategy using machine learning to assess company performance and determine buy, sell, hold. Read me & ...
Portfolio Construction and Risk Management book's Python code.