A Python Finance Library that focuses on the pricing and risk-management of Financial Derivatives, including fixed-income, equity, FX and credit derivatives.
翻译 - 一个Python金融库,专注于金融衍生产品(包括固定收益,股票,外汇和信用衍生产品)的定价和风险管理。
实时风控引擎(Risk Engine),自定义规则引擎(Rule Script),完美支持中文,适用于反欺诈(Anti-fraud)应用场景,开箱即用!!!移动互联网时代的风险管理利器,你 Get 到了吗?
#时序数据库#ARCH models in Python
Risk-First Software Development
翻译 - 风险优先的软件开发
A collection of awesome projects, blog posts, books, and talks on quantifying risk
Calculate your position size based on the risk and account size and execute your trades with this free MetaTrader expert advisor.
OpenQuake Engine: a software for Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
#安全#Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in ove...
A PHP version scanner for reporting possible vulnerabilities
Marble - the real time decision engine for fraud and AML
An Ethical Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles
A fixed income library for pricing bonds and bond futures, and derivatives such as interest rate swaps (IRS), cross-currency swaps (XCS) and FX swaps. Contains tools for full Curveset construction wit...
⚖Open Source Toolkit for Quantitative Risk Assessment
Resources for the budding field of risk modelling and analysis in DeFi
#安卓#A tool for quantitative risk analysis of Android applications based on machine learning techniques
Python-based portfolio / stock widget which sources data from Yahoo Finance and calculates different types of Value-at-Risk (VaR) metrics and many other (ex-post) risk/return characteristics both on a...