A Python Finance Library that focuses on the pricing and risk-management of Financial Derivatives, including fixed-income, equity, FX and credit derivatives.
翻译 - 一个Python金融库,专注于金融衍生产品(包括固定收益,股票,外汇和信用衍生产品)的定价和风险管理。
Basic Discounted Cash Flow library written in Python. Automatically fetches relevant financial documents for chosen company and calculates DCF based on specified parameters.
Stocks and Assets Valuation via Discounted Cash Flow with Python
💸 Calculate the MRR, ARR, churn, LTV, ARPU, total revenue & valuation of your pay-powered Rails SaaS app.
📆 A highly optimized Business Days calculator written in Julia language. Also known as Working Days calculator.
#时序数据库#📈 SiRE (Simulation-Informed Revenue Extrapolation with Confidence Estimate for Scaleup Companies Using Scarce Time-Series Data), accepted by CIKM'2022 🗽
Basic DCF model to quickly value public companies.
A python package that brings together financial and economic data.
Time Series forecasting using Seasonal ARIMA & Prophet. Applied statistical tests like Augmented Dickey–Fuller test to check stationary of series. Checked ACF ,PACF plots to identify Moving average an...
Have fun with financial valuation for free. :)
Financial modelling, derivatives, investments
Fixed income valuation with term structure models and Monte Carlo simulations: Pricing straight, floating and callable bonds, swaps, swaptions, forward rate agreements, and more exotic securities such...
This repository consists of a links of best blog posts, articles and Videos for anyone on entrepreneurial journey
Python script of valuation technique called Clean-Surplus-Model