The AutoGPT MetaTrader Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their MetaTrader 4 or 5 trading account to Auto-GPT.
Calculate your position size based on the risk and account size and execute your trades with this free MetaTrader expert advisor.
Market Profile indicator for MT4, MT5, and cTrader by
Telegram bot used for copying and entering signals from signal provider directly to MT4 and MT5 trading accounts with calculated lot sizes and profit/loss display
Python API for interacting with DevCartel MetaTrader 5 gateway
MetaTrader 5 Python Integration with educational videos
Implementation of Trading Strategies for Backtesting in MetaTrader 5 (MT5) Using MQL5 Programming Language – Free Open-Source Trading Bots (Expert Advisors) for MT5
🐳📈 Headless Forex backtesting for MetaTrader platform using Docker
Metatrader 5 Docker, wine64 and vnc with openbox gui and slim for Authentication pyzmq python3
Python Trading Bot for Algorithmic Trading. Integrates with MetaTrader 5, Binance
Automate emergency position closing and autotrading termination using a multi-setting expert advisor.
Python Trading Bot for Coinbase, Binance, and MetaTrader 5
A drop-in pythonic adapter for the MetaTrader5 package to enhance usability.
Turns Metatrader4/MetaTrader5 into web socket client
Repository for YouTube tutorial on how to run MetaTrader5 + VNC + Python Flask API in a Docker Container on a Linux server.
Guide to convert EAs and indicators from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5
Trailing Stop on Profit is a classic trailing stop EA for MetaTrader, which activates only once a given profit value is reached.
Tutorial videos & MQL5 source code to highlight the improvements in MQL5 vs MQL4, providing algorithmic traders the knowledge necessary to transition smoothly between the two.
Create simple weekly schedule for your autotrading needs in MT4 and MT5.