Open Source Trading Strategies & End-to-End solution connecting Metatrader4 & Metatrader5 💹 with Python with a simple drag and drop EA. Fully tested bug free & efficient solution for live & paper tra...
The AutoGPT MetaTrader Plugin is a software tool that enables traders to connect their MetaTrader 4 or 5 trading account to Auto-GPT.
A general-purpose, flexible, and easy-to-use simulator alongside an OpenAI Gym trading environment for MetaTrader 5 trading platform (Approved by OpenAI Gym)
#区块链#I created this library to streamline the process of developing an Expert Advisor in MQL5. While MQL5 development can be complex, the same task is more straightforward in Python.
Python API for interacting with DevCartel MetaTrader 5 gateway
Docker image that runs Metatrader 5 with VNC web server
Implementation of Trading Strategies for Backtesting in MetaTrader 5 (MT5) Using MQL5 Programming Language – Free Open-Source Trading Bots (Expert Advisors) for MT5
This is the repository for the trading bot we are building in my youtube channel!
Metatrader 5 Docker, wine64 and vnc with openbox gui and slim for Authentication pyzmq python3
📈 :robot: Imagine um programa de computador que, observando a movimentação dos preços de um ativo ao longo do tempo, é capaz de, sozinho, sem interferência humana, determinar ...
Python Trading Bot for Algorithmic Trading. Integrates with MetaTrader 5, Binance
#算法刷题#Metatrader 5 API - Trading and history OHLC Dataframe in Nano Seconds
A drop-in pythonic adapter for the MetaTrader5 package to enhance usability.
Turns Metatrader4/MetaTrader5 into web socket client
Asynchronous Python Library For MetaTrader 5
An expert advisor to help traders connect their MT5 account, via the terminal with a Telegram Bot to broadcast messages to a user, group or channel.
FinCore is a cool and free cross-platform personal finances manager written in .NET 8 with Angular 14 frontend.