Codebase for KyberSwap that helps users convert tokens instantly and directly from their own hardware wallets, metamask and so on. No setup, No deposit, no withdrawal needed. Try it out on https://kyb...
翻译 - KyberSwap的代码库,可帮助用户立即从其自己的硬件钱包,元掩码等直接转换令牌。无需设置,无需存款,无需取款。在https://kyberswap.com上尝试一下,或加入开发者电报。
The Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) defines the sets of things that are of interest in financial business applications and the ways that those things can relate to one another. In this way...
Starting point for on-boarding and contribution documentation for mojaloop
#算法刷题#A collection of methods for solving Finance/Accounting equations, implemented in C#.
Marble - the real time decision engine for fraud and AML
⚙️ Peer to Peer Loan System implemented on Ethereum Smart Contracts
#计算机科学#Using Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Networks to estimate Value-at-Risk for Market Risk Management using TensorFlow.
#计算机科学#The full scope of IFRS 9 Impairment models including PD, LGD and EAD are provided. It also covers ECL, which is the combination of those three parameters as well as staging criteria.
Set of Terraform automation templates and quickstart demos to jumpstart the design of a Lakehouse on Databricks. This project has incorporated best practices across the industries we work with to deli...
A bunch of downloaders and parsers for data delivered from B3
Simple definitions of terms, acronyms, abbreviations, companies, and projects related to financial services and Moov.
A collection of guidelines and resources from Citi's Open Source Program Office
#区块链#AMM and Continous Liquidity Provider smart contracts on NEAR blockchain
#计算机科学#Open-source, real-time Anti-Money Laundering (AML) transaction monitoring.
Investment Insights for Asset Managers is a modern finance portfolio manager that provides real-time insight into how news all around the world can impact the investment to any given portfolio.
Loan Management System and daily collection Api For Financial institutions.
Extract financial information in CSV format for companies compliant to the NSE
Some of the tasks and patches I completed in my internship with JP Morgan & Chase Co. Please 🌟 the repo if you like it ☝️