scraper that consolidates tens of thousands of financial records into a SQLite relational database. Class 'dataframes' easily converts the SQLite data into pandas DataFrames (see Jupyt...
µFunds lets you import your asset data from Morningstar and other sources to your Google Sheets spreadsheet by using a simple formula.
python package to get financial data from Morningstar
R package for commodities and finance analytics. Sister python package details below.
Risk tools for commodities trading and finance
Simple module for downloading financial statements and estimates from
ESP32 WiFi interface to Morningstar solar controllers (web, Modbus-TCP, REST-ful JSON)
msfinance offers Pythonic way to download market data from
#区块链#Command line and GTK stock and cryptocurrency portfolio tracker.
Lightweight SQL Creator with multiple emulator support
Morningstar Global Equity Classification Structure
#前端开发#The frontend application for habbo-rcon-server
Stock Asset Tracker with Morningstar crawler and scheduled Telegram-Notifier