dynamic datasource for springboot 多数据源 动态数据源 主从分离 读写分离 分布式事务
UITableView and UICollectionView Data Sources for RxSwift (sections, animated updates, editing ...)
免费开源A股量化交易数据库; 专注A股,专注量化,向阳而生; 开放、纯净、持续、为Ai(爱)发电。为个人量化交易而生,保卫3000点,珍惜底部机会......【股票数据,股票行情数据,股票量化数据,股票交易数据,k线行情数据,股票概念数据,股票数据接口,行情数据接口,量化交易数据】【多数据源融合,动态设置代理,保障数据高可用性】
Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
#安卓#🥪 Sandwich is an adaptable and lightweight sealed API library designed for handling API responses and exceptions in Kotlin for Retrofit, Ktor, and Kotlin Multiplatform.
#IOS#🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Spring Boot integration with p6spy, datasource-proxy, flexy-pool and spring-cloud-sleuth
#算法刷题#💾 A library for backporting UITableView/UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource.
#IOS#💾 🔜📱 Type-safe data-driven CollectionView, TableView Framework. (We can also use ASCollectionNode)
#安全#🎩 The mighty NodeJS password vault
#IOS#Protocol-oriented UITableView management, powered by generics and associated types.
Knowage is the professional open source suite for modern business analytics over traditional sources and big data systems.
Grafana datasource to load JSON data over your arbitrary HTTP backend
#IOS#Swift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
#IOS#Protocol-oriented UICollectionView management, powered by generics and associated types.
Grafana Datasource for the Prometheus Alertmanager
A data source plugin for loading JSON APIs into Grafana.
Visualis is a BI tool for data visualization. It provides financial-grade data visualization capabilities on the basis of data security and permissions, based on the open source project Davinci contri...