《You Don't Know JS》”你不知道的JavaScript“,是一本深入研究 JavaScript 语言核心机制的电子丛书
Swifty closures for UIKit and Foundation
A human readable quasi-concatenative programming language
Underscore placeholders for convenient closure syntax
#IOS#A Swift micro-framework to easily deal with weak references to self inside closures
Automatic conversion of call by value into call by need in the LLVM IR.
Functional test automation with wdio + page objects + selenium standalone + docker
Learn Swift 4 with Bob: Intermediate to Advanced Swift 4 Course
Learn the art of JS!
O objetivo dessa aplicação era criar um frontend feito totalmente em Javascript, sem nenhum arquivo HTML ou CSS pré-criado. Além disso, esse projeto também é o frontend da minha API 100% NodeJS.
Probably notes on Crockford's famed Javascript, the Good Parts!
Hotpatching, closures, lambdas, and signal-based exception handling in GNU C
Thread-safe closures as first-class functions for C
Second individual project - blackjack game (saving session status on server)