A modern proof language
翻译 - 现代证明语言
Building a modern functional compiler from first principles. (http://dev.stephendiehl.com/fun/)
A library for functional programming in Rust
Canonical sources for HOL4 theorem-proving system. Branch develop is where “mainline development” occurs; when develop passes our regression tests, master is merged forward to catch up.
A Flock of Functions: Combinators, Lambda Calculus, & Church Encodings in JS
An interpreter for learning and exploring pure λ-calculus
Cedille, a dependently typed programming languages based on the Calculus of Dependent Lambda Eliminations
Automatic code generation for Scala functions and expressions via the Curry-Howard isomorphism
A human readable quasi-concatenative programming language
A Lisp interpreter written in untyped lambda calculus
Exercises from Benjamin Pierce's "Types and Programming Languages" textbook + extras!
Elsa is a lambda calculus evaluator
A curated list of functional programming resources to study the fp paradigm
🍱 Y Combinator for Non-programmers: A Wild Introduction to Computer Science
Life like molecular computers with artificial chemistry.