⚙️ Multipass C Compiler, Assembler and X86 emulator written in TypeScript
A compiler for ARM, X86, MSP430, xtensa and more implemented in pure Python
Standalone C compiler/assembler/linker/libc for x86-64/aarch64/riscv64/wasm
A tiny shell for Pico and Pico2, with file system, Vi and C compiler
C11 compiler with GNU extensions for x86-64 Linux, working towards C23
Sol-1: A CPU/Computer System made from 74 series logic.
C Compiler that generates readable Kotlin and C# - Written in Kotlin + Small web-based Editor with autocompletion
#编辑器#My retro programming projects for some targets including the Amstrad PCW, the CP/M operating system and the Z80 cpu. Includes a Small-C compiler, Z80 assembler, text editor, graphics, Unix-like shell....
A C compiler that tries to eliminate the need for header files as much as possible.
Scripting in C with JIT(x64)/VM.
Small-C Compiler, Assembler, Linker, and Library for 16-bit MS-DOS. Includes "YLink", an object file linker for MS-DOS executables.
The first C compiler written in Rust.. mostly unworking.