Program for determining types of files for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
翻译 - 用于确定Windows,Linux和MacOS的文件类型的程序。
#IOS#An introduction to ARM64 assembly on Apple Silicon Macs
#IOS#📚 iOS 性能监控 SDK —— Wedjat(华狄特)开发过程的调研和整理
#IOS#Mach-O based ObjC & Swift useless classes, useless protocols, useless resources detection, packet size analysis, point-to-point crash resolution.基于Mach-O的ObjC & Swift无用类、无用协议、无用资源检测,包大小分析,点对点崩溃解析。
翻译 - 基于mach-o技术,简单有效的代码大小检测,无用的类检测和多容器的无符号崩溃日志检测
#IOS#🔥🔥🔥微信公众号:Cydiapps🔥🔥🔥 => Cydia插件 Logos语言 开发Tweak.xm Cydia Substrate 注入dylib iOS逆向工程开发 越狱Jailbreak deb插件 - fishhook / Frida / iOSOpenDev / Cycript / MachOView / IDA / Hopper Disassembl...
Mirror of OS X ABI Mach-O File Format Reference
Tool for reverse engineering macOS/OS X
B2R2 is a collection of useful algorithms, functions, and tools for binary analysis.
Standalone C compiler/assembler/linker/libc for x86-64/aarch64/riscv64/wasm
flat assembler g - adaptable assembly engine
#十六进制编辑器#HexPatch: a binary patcher and editor written in Rust with terminal user interface (TUI).
Yet Another Mach-O Unused ObjC Selector/Class/Protocol Detector. 检测ObjC无用方法、无用类、无用协议。