Browsix is a Unix-like operating system for the browser.
翻译 - Browsix 是用于浏览器的类 Unix 操作系统。
A Unix-style personal search engine and web crawler for your digital footprint.
翻译 - 一个 Unix 风格的个人搜索引擎和网络爬虫,用于您的数字足迹。
A UNIX-style Operating System for the Waikato RISC Architecture Microprocessor (WRAMP)
翻译 - 用于怀卡托 RISC 架构微处理器 (WRAMP) 的 UNIX 风格操作系统
An x86 monolithic kernel and operating system written in modern C++. Comes with in-house graphical applications and command line utilities, plus ports of existing software. And yes, it runs DOOM!
Operating system for x86_64 based around a "keep it simple and make it work" philosophy.
GeckOS version 2, a multi-tasking and multithreading operating system for the 6502
Escape is a UNIX-like microkernel operating system that runs on x86, x86_64, ECO32 and MMIX.
An exokernel for the raspberry pi 3.
#编辑器#My retro programming projects for some targets including the Amstrad PCW, the CP/M operating system and the Z80 cpu. Includes a Small-C compiler, Z80 assembler, text editor, graphics, Unix-like shell....
🦠 µnix is a UNIX-like operating system
A collection of 68k computer projects, including a unix-like operating system written in C that runs on them
2.11BSD_X44. A 2.11BSD that implements 4.4BSD's (Lite 2) vm and vnodes