Common combinators for Elixir
A curated list of combinators
翻译 - 精选的组合器列表
Lambda Calculus things implemented on Python
Script to perform some hashcracking logic automagically
extensible, type-and-source-polymorphic, non-linear applicative parser combinator library for F# 3.0 and 4.0
A set of operators for FParsec ( intended to simplify chaining parsers together.
Combinator library for building "The Elm Architecture"-powered applications with ease
JSON combinator library for BuckleScript/Reason
Implementing a small functional language with a combinator based graph-reduction machine
Lambda called on lambda finds/creates lambda, each with lazy-evaled 256 bit global DAG ids. Each lambda has 2 child lambdas. A kind of number that is a universal-pattern-calculus-combinator. Axgob.js ...
Golang parser combinator library inspired by haskell parsec
(TODO) actually callable javascript lambdas of infinitely threadable (potentially massively-multiplayer) godel-like-numbering-secure low latency neuralnet approximation of hypercomputation of the iota...
#IOS#Parser Combinators Written In Swift
CPARSEC2 - a parser combinator library for C language
Simple way generate tests from combinations of setup data.
🎓 🏫 HelTC - Haskellish Esoteric Lambda True Calculator to Esoteric Languages implemented in Haskell