A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators in just a few lines of code
An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible. 🤖
翻译 - 使用操作员SDK和Ansible构建Kubernetes的Ansible AWX运算符。
Monads and other dark magic for Elixir
Solving the second hard problem in Computer Science.
Azure Service Operator allows you to create Azure resources using kubectl
翻译 - Azure Service Operator允许您使用kubectl创建Azure资源
Run and manage Vault on Kubernetes simply and securely
Canonical common brand names, operators, transit and flags for OpenStreetMap.
翻译 - OpenStreetMap的规范通用品牌名称
The Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) allows Pods to consume Vault secrets natively from Kubernetes Secrets.
The BEST tutorial for Becoming a Certified Kubernetes Administrator, an EXPERT in K8s from scratch, and much MORE!
Common combinators for Elixir
Auto-configuration of Fluentd daemon-set based on Kubernetes metadata
Reactivity. Right in your neovim.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome resources: articles, books and videos about Kubernetes Operators.
#计算机科学#A Simple & Flexible Cross Framework Operators Toolkit
A Kubernetes object matcher library to avoid unnecessary K8s object updates
Easily manipulate CGPoints, CGSizes and CGVectors using math operators
Code for the paper "Poseidon: Efficient Foundation Models for PDEs"