Litmus helps SREs and developers practice chaos engineering in a Cloud-native way. Chaos experiments are published at the ChaosHub ( Community notes is at https://hackmd....
翻译 - Litmus是一个使用kubernetes本机方式进行混沌工程的工具集。 Litmus为Cloud-Native开发人员和SRE提供混乱的CRD,以注入,编排和监视混乱,以发现生产中Kubernetes部署的弱点。
Creates Helm chart from Kubernetes yaml
An Ansible AWX operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible. 🤖
翻译 - 使用操作员SDK和Ansible构建Kubernetes的Ansible AWX运算符。
A Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.
Painless deployment of wireguard on kubernetes
Create Kubernetes secrets from Vault for a secure GitOps based workflow.
翻译 - 从Vault创建Kubernetes机密,以实现基于GitOps的安全工作流。
Repository for k8s Mediaserver Operator project
A Kubernetes Operator to create and manage Cloudflare Tunnels and DNS records for (HTTP/TCP/UDP*) Service Resources
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler built with predictive abilities using statistical models
API Reference Docs generator for Kubernetes CRDs (used by Knative, Kubeflow and others)
#区块链#Hyperledger Fabric Kubernetes operator - Hyperledger Fabric operator for Kubernetes (v2.3, v2.4 and v2.5, soon 3.0)
Generic libraries for building idiomatic Kubernetes controllers
Postgres operator for Kubernetes
The NiFiKop NiFi Kubernetes operator makes it easy to run Apache NiFi on Kubernetes. Apache NiFI is a free, open-source solution that support powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, tra...
A GitOps Operator for Kubernetes
Manage Kubernetes Operators from the command line
DEPRECATED: This project was moved and renamed to: