A Flock of Functions: Combinators, Lambda Calculus, & Church Encodings in JS
A simple, zero-dependency implementation of the untyped lambda calculus in Safe Rust
A curated list of combinators
翻译 - 精选的组合器列表
🧮 Programming with pure lambda calculus
A self-hosting mini Haskell compiler with a mini C runtime.
Implementing a small functional language with a combinator based graph-reduction machine
Like the Programming Languages Zoo but with esoteric languages.
A reference implementation of Moses Schönfinkel's 1924 paper, On the Building Blocks of Mathematical Logic
Implementing a small functional language with a combinator graph reduction engine
🎓 🏫 HelTC - Haskellish Esoteric Lambda True Calculator to Esoteric Languages implemented in Haskell
Combinatory Logic Interpreter with user-definable primitives and abstraction algorithms
A programming language based on combinatory logic and term rewrite systems, with an advanced type system.
Generator for wokwi schematics that implement lookup tables in conjunctive normal form (CNF), i.e. with AND and OR gates
Lambda Kalkül für praktisches vanilla JavaScript - IP5 HS2019 / IP6 HS2020
Convert between lambda calculus and combinatory logic in Schönfinkel's BCIKS system
👾 Infinite Craft, but for lambda calculus!
#算法刷题#This repository contains my solutions to some of the assignments of the courses I took during my undergraduate first and second year