by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
翻译 - 由前Google员工提供,针对前Google员工-类似技术和服务的查询表
by ex-Facebookers, for ex-Facebookers - a lookup table of similar tech & services
#学习与技能提升#A novel approach to finding your way in APL
color lookup tables (LUTs) for color grading
A header-only compile-time Morton encoding / decoding library for N dimensions.
A library to do regex verification in circom, adapted from the original zk-email. It additionally generates lookup tables for halo2-regex and soon Noir.
Online DSP Lookup Table Generator. (AKA: Sine wave LUT calculator)
Autogenerated Bytewise SIMD-Optimized Look-Up Tables
scripts using splunk application lookup-editor endpoint. Download, upload and update splunk lookups content
A tool to generate optimized hardware files for univariate functions.
A tool for compression of lookup tables and generation of their hardware files in Verilog for RTL designs
Wordmap is a simple way to lookup data directly from disk, bypassing RAM. It uses pread (no buffering), and takes advantage of SSD's constant seek time. The data is stored in equal size "cells" making...
generate color lookup table from origin image and result images
Calculator for generating gamma brightness lookup tables for driving leds
Tired of paying a subscription service to access an API to resolve MAC address OUI/vendor data? Just resolving locally and maintaining your own database with this project is faster, cheaper (FREE!), a...
This Repository Contains Solution to the Assignments of Excel Skills For Business - Macquarie-University on Coursera Taught by Nicky Bull, Dr Prashan S. M. Karunaratne, Professor Yvonne Breyer
LUT contains command-line tools and Go packages for applying colour adjustments to images using lookup tables