🧮 Programming with pure lambda calculus
SBTCVM is a virtual machine implementation of a balanced ternary (base 3) computer. Features several compiled languages for ternary software development.
📱 A handy Calculator for Trinary operations, that works on all Devices 📱 💻 🖥 | ⛓ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trinarycalculator.ayidouble.trinarycalculator.app ⛓
#区块链#A Pure-Python implementation of IOTA node
A virtual ternary OISC machine (One Instruction Set Computer) inspired by 1950s Soviet hardware
Simple Balanced Ternary Computer Virtual Machine: Mark 2 is a simple Balanced Ternary VM programmed in python and Pygame.
A hexadecimal calendar in terminal for programmers
a balanced ternary calculator and logic library written in python.
Simple Balanced Ternary Computer Virtual Machine: Mark 1.1 is a simple Balanced Ternary VM programmed in python and Pygame.
as part of an Internship Assignment implemented balanced ternary search tree using python. Object Oriented principle followed and a module is devloped.
A high-level wrapper for the IOTA Javascript Library iota.lib.js
SBTNET is a system for packet-switched balanced ternary computer networking.
Balanced ternary integer mathematics library for python. features a class object with support for python's mathematics methods
A small php library that replicates some of the features of the IOTA javascript library. It takes a Tangle address and returns either a confirmed balance or the transaction data associated with that a...
Contains code on projects I have worked on.