An esoteric programming language, or "esolang", is a computer programming language intended to entertain or confuse, to be a joke or to explore new concepts. Esolangs may be minimalistic or, conversely, bloated. Often an esolang has features that made it harder to use on purpose. Esolangs are mostly not designed for serious use, unlike mainstream languages.
文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
#学习与技能提升#各种编程语言 “Hello World” 的实现,超1000+种
A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes
翻译 - 一堆胡说八道的令人作呕的代码
Fetish-themed programming language
翻译 - 以恋物癖为主题的编程语言
Acche din aa gaye
翻译 - 好时光来了
"I use Arch btw" but it's a Turing-complete programming language.
A concise stack-based golfing language
The Rick Roll programming language is a rickroll based, process oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language. All of the keywords/statements are from Rick Astley's lyrics. Check our tutori...
A two-dimensional, hexagonal programming language.
#Awesome#Curated list of awesome Esoteric languages and resources
Brainrot programming language interpreter
A programming language with yoruba language construct
翻译 - 具有yoruba语言构造的编程语言
Implementation of the Folders📂 esoteric programming language, a language with no code and just folders.
翻译 - Folders📂 深奥的编程语言的实现,一种没有代码只有文件夹的语言。
CheLang es un lenguaje de programación esotérico argento. Ni más, ni menos. Es la que va.
Lightweight and fast programming language designed to be written in Chinese.
翻译 - 轻量级和快速的编程语言,旨在用中文编写。
A language where the code is written with folders
翻译 - 一种用文件夹编写代码的语言
A code-golfing language experience that has aspects of traditional programming languages - terse yet convenient.