文言文編程語言 A programming language for the ancient Chinese.
文言陰符 An Introduction to Programming in Wenyan Language
文言 Wenyan Lang for VS Code
文淵閣 Package manager for wenyan-lang
爪哇文言 - wenyan-lang in JVM.
#编辑器#文言齋 Online IDE for wenyan-lang
子曰 - Cowsay for wenyan-lang
文言文语言编译器,前端采用Antlr做lexer和parser,利用AST生成LLVM IR
文心雕龍 Documentations for wenyan-lang
文淵閣總目 Packages registry for wyg
A bytecode interpreter for wenyan-lang(文言文編程語言的字节码解释器)
Can compile all the samples in 明義第一, 變數第二, 算術第三, 決策第四 and 循環第五.
Webpack loader for wenyan-lang
The Open Source T-Shirt for Wenyan
An data structure library for wenyan-lang (文言).
CLASS LITERALS for wenyan-lang.
Code linter for wenyan-lang
文言鋪蓋 - Rollup plugin for wenyan-lang
A package for wenyan which provides standard node.js IO.
WIP koishi command to compile / run Wenyan