A Nonsense Collection of Disgusting Codes
翻译 - 一堆胡说八道的令人作呕的代码
A concise stack-based golfing language
A Delightfully Diminutive Lisp. Implemented in < 1 KB of JavaScript with JSON source, macros, tail-calls, JS interop, error-handling, and more.
A code-golfing language experience that has aspects of traditional programming languages - terse yet convenient.
A tiny html/javascript game whose source code fits in one tweet
A terse declarative logic programming language
A programming language based on MATLAB and suitable for code golfing
Runs your toot on an 8-bit computer emulator
GolfScript/CJam-inspired stack-based programming language that can be golfed or written literately*
:robot: A JavaScript implementation of the infamous "donut.c" program
let's see how long it takes before I burn out this time
Code golfer and minifier for Python https://clemg.github.io/pythongolfer/
JavaScript language bars, keyboard layout key-bindings, and character compositions for entering APL characters