#安卓#Flutter representation of a Restaurant app UI.
A web framework employing system-thinking that takes minimalism, kaizen and TDD to an extreme.
(Minimalism Style) Powered by Jekyll, based on the Minimal Mistakes theme and Jason Ansel's website
A minimalist Go PDF writer in 1982 lines. Draws text, images and shapes. Helps understand the PDF format. Used in production for reports.
Just enough git (written in Python) to create a repo and push to GitHub
#Awesome#awesome linux minimalism suggestions
A tiny html/javascript game whose source code fits in one tweet
🛡️ A secure web development platform and programming language.
#安卓#Minimalistic, super lightweight app launcher with a low memory usage and small install size.
Simple blog theme for Hexo, focusing on articles.
Minimalist monochrome theme for Visual Studio Code
#博客#Minimalism blog built from Markdown and JSX by Next.js & TailwindCSS, also contains ActivityPub endpoints partial implement and i18n.
#安卓#[Android] Simplify your device interaction with the most minimalistic home screen.