An FPGA-based RISC-V CPU+SoC with a simple and extensible peripheral bus. 基于FPGA的RISC-V SoC,包含一个RV32I CPU、一个简单可扩展的总线、一些外设。
RISC-V 32-bit microcontroller developed in Verilog
Design implementation of the RV32I Core in Verilog HDL with Zicsr extension
Small Processing Unit 32: A compact RV32I CPU written in Verilog
HaDes-V is an Open Educational Resource for learning microcontroller design. It guides you through creating a pipelined 32-bit RISC-V processor using SystemVerilog and FPGA tools. Developed by TU Graz...
An open-source 32-bit RISC-V soft-core processor
RISC-V implementation of RV32I for FPGA board Tang Nano 9K utilizing on-board burst PSRAM, flash and SD card