提供高质量 TypeScript 类型定义的仓库。
A collection of essential TypeScript types
翻译 - 基本TypeScript类型的集合
#大语言模型#TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types.
A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
👷 TypeScript's largest type utility library
Runtime type system for IO decoding/encoding
翻译 - 用于IO解码/编码的运行时类型系统
A static type analyzer for Python code
翻译 - 用于Python代码的静态类型分析器
Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types
翻译 - 具有静态类型的Python库存根的集合
All essential TypeScript types in one place 🤙
A central repository for Flow library definitions
翻译 - 流库定义的中央存储库
A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
翻译 - 专为Ruby设计的快速,强大的类型检查器
*DEPRECATED* The TypeScript Definition Manager
翻译 - *已弃用* TypeScript定义管理器
pgTyped - Typesafe SQL in TypeScript
A fast and correct TypeScript type checker and compiler with additional experiments
Runtime validation for static types
翻译 - 静态类型的运行时验证
Python Data Structures for Humans™.
翻译 - 适用于人类的Python数据结构™。
Strict TypeScript and Flow types for style based on MDN data