A fast, powerful type checker designed for Ruby
翻译 - 专为Ruby设计的快速,强大的类型检查器
A set of tools to make the Sorbet typechecker work with Ruby on Rails seamlessly.
翻译 - 一组使Sorbet类型检查器与Ruby on Rails无缝配合的工具。
A central repository for sharing type definitions for Ruby gems
翻译 - 共享Ruby gem的类型定义的中央存储库
A type signature generator, merger and parser system for Sorbet and Ruby 3/Steep
Graphwerk is a small Ruby gem that can generate a diagram of dependencies between packages within an application that's using Packwerk to enforce boundaries.
A small gem consisting of helpers for using Sorbet & RSpec together.
Comparable T::Struct's for the equality focused typed Ruby developer.
Comparable T::Struct's for the equality focused typed Ruby developer.
A basic SMS gateway that a Light Phone 2 can text useful commands to and get responses!