🌀 Embeddable remote browser isolation with vettable source https://dosaygo.com
Run individual controls or full compliance benchmarks for CIS, PCI, NIST, HIPAA and more across all of your AWS accounts using Powerpipe and Steampipe.
A type signature generator, merger and parser system for Sorbet and Ruby 3/Steep
A Python Script To Fetch The Government Securities T-Bills Interest Rates From RBI Website.
Container Isolations- Websocket reverse proxy - Remote Browser Isolations
#博客#✏️ Blogfolio of my creative work in open-source software engineering, 2017 to present.
AWS specific security policies to ensure compliance with RBI guidelines. Works with Cloud Custodian. Write at rbi-aws-security@astuto.ai if you have any questions.
#区块链#FinSecure is a proposed payment system that aims to provide a secure and reliable method for conducting financial transactions. The system is designed to ensure the privacy and security of users' fina...
SupraRBI-VNC is a Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) solution in the form of VNC server.
A tiny web scraper and slack bot for financial regulation circulars from sebi and rbi
SupraRBI-HTTPS is a Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) solution with web/https front end.
#区块链#A centralized repo that deals with basic to advanced concepts in modern day fintech along with case studies.
MeetUp - AWS User Group Vienna #15
An online e-commerce platform where farmers, investors, users, innovators, and other types of people interact.