为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
⚡ Dynamically generated, customizable SVG that gives the appearance of typing and deleting text for use on your profile page, repositories, or website.
翻译 - ⚡ 动态生成的、可自定义的 SVG,提供键入和删除文本的外观。键入 SVG 可以用作 Github 配置文件自述文件或存储库中的简介。
A static type analyzer for Python code
翻译 - 用于Python代码的静态类型分析器
Collection of library stubs for Python, with static types
翻译 - 具有静态类型的Python库存根的集合
The smartest way to learn touch typing and improve your typing speed.
Python TUI framework with mouse support, modular widget system, customizable and rapid terminal markup language and more!
翻译 - 一个简单而强大的 TUI 框架,适用于您的 Python (3.7+) 应用程序
Prisma Client Python is an auto-generated and fully type-safe database client designed for ease of use
Differences between Flowtype and TypeScript -- syntax and usability
Python static typing home. Hosts the documentation and a user help forum.
pyright fork with various type checking improvements, improved vscode support and pylance features built into the language server
Smassh your Keyboard, TUI Edition
Type annotations and dynamic checking for a tensor's shape, dtype, names, etc.
翻译 - PyTorch张量的形状,dtype等的运行时类型注释。
Type annotations and runtime checking for shape and dtype of JAX/NumPy/PyTorch/etc. arrays. https://docs.kidger.site/jaxtyping/
Terminal-based typing test.
React typing animation in ~400 bytes 🐡 of JavaScript.
翻译 - 在约400字节🐡的JavaScript中反应键入动画。