The complete guide to static typing in "React & Redux" apps using TypeScript
翻译 - 使用TypeScript在“ React&Redux”应用程序中进行静态键入的完整指南
Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types).
翻译 - 实用程序类型的集合,是对TypeScript内置映射类型和别名的补充(对于静态类型,请考虑“ lodash”)。
Apache Groovy: A powerful multi-faceted programming language for the JVM platform
翻译 - Apache Groovy:一种用于JVM平台的功能强大的多面编程语言
TypeScript's 1:1 validator, optimized from editor to runtime
Typesafe utilities for "action-creators" in Redux / Flux Architecture
翻译 - Redux / Flux Architecture中用于“行动创造者”的类型安全实用程序
Python static typing home. Hosts the documentation and a user help forum.
Umka: a statically typed embeddable scripting language
daslang - high-performance statically strong typed scripting language
An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
Shen language kernel sources for porters
A new statically typed programming language, syntactically like TypeScript.
Phantom types for Python.
Generate and maintain stubs for different MicroPython ports to use with VSCode and Pylance, PyRight, Thonny, PyCharm or MyPy
Coalton is (supposed to be) a dialect of ML embedded in Common Lisp.
Stubs of most MicroPython ports, boards and versions to make writing code that much simpler.
Alternative StdLib for Nim for Python targets, hijacks Python StdLib for Nim
Fast and flexible language exploring partial evaluation, context-sensitive parsing, and metaprogramming. Compiles JIT or AOT to native code.
Faster CSV for Python
`refined_type` is a library that facilitates type composition, enabling the simple description of efficient validation processes and high runtime safety.
Integrate mypy in seconds with existing codebase. A friendly CLI tool to make mypy report only new type violations and ignore existing ones.