😈 Yaksha Programming Language - Offside rule + Lisp system for macros. 🐣 WIP
Lisp-like-R: A clojure inspired lisp that compiles to R in R
Functional language, easily extensible and possible (Lua features with LISP dialect and functional) to be embarked on software Go!
A multi-paradigm programming language running on JVM
Fast and flexible language exploring partial evaluation, context-sensitive parsing, and metaprogramming. Compiles JIT or AOT to native code.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome Scheme resources and materials
A simple Scheme (Lisp dialect) interpreter written in Swift.
RainLisp, a .NET LISP implementation.
Vile is a lisp dialect with many features
A functional programming based Multiplayer Bomberman in Racket (LISP Dialect)
A custom programming language, specifically a lisp-dialect, implemented in Go, that we developed and use internally at Talon.One
An interpreter for Bel, Paul Graham's Lisp language
A Lisp dialect of Ruby
A standalone or embeddable JVM based interpreter/ compiler for Murmel, a single-namespace Lisp dialect inspired by Common Lisp
A Lisp to be used as a Ruby Library (written in Ruby)
A small, embeddable Lisp dialect