Tracking ECMAScript Proposals
翻译 - 跟踪ECMAScript提案
Create your own programming language with Rust
RFCs and docs related to the F# language design process, see to submit ideas
A language with lexical effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism
#计算机科学#Sema – A Playground for Live Coding Music and Machine Learning
general purpose programming language, in the vein of C++
Language Design Community for the EVM: Intro and Resources
An implementation of interaction nets in JS.
An introduction to language design through building a compiler frontend and completing a self-paced exercise on top of LLVM.
⛹ Write Grammars for the Nearley Parser!
moved to
This is an implementation of interaction nets, with a familiar JavaScript-like syntax :)
Metameta is meta core and meta-class programming framework.
Fine-grain implementations of common lambda calculi in Haskell, tested with QuickCheck
Lab of the course Languages, Compilers and Interpreters (Cod. 653AA) @ UNIPI
An implementation of interaction nets as a forth-like language.