jQuery Terminal Emulator - JavaScript library for creating web-based terminals with custom commands
A list of embedded scripting languages
Crafting Interpreters in Rust
Magical Book The book uses dialects Scheme in the programming language Lisp to explain the core concepts of computer science, including abstraction, recursion, interpreters, and metalinguistic abstrac...
A tiny language, a subset of Haskell aimed at aiding teachers teach Haskell
Research on theory of programming languages λ, compilers, interpreters, functional programming, formal methods, logic etc.
simple functional programming language
Kotlin Language Support – AST Library
The Lua programming language, implemented in Rust.
Write, execute and debug X++ code directly in your browser.
An environment to visualize JavaScript code execution in a browser
The Big list of the github, open-source interpreters.
OpenXION - Reference Implementation of the XION Scripting Language
Staged Abstract Interpreters
Gosh is an interpreted language for Go ecosystem written in Go
Currently extending the Monkey programming language designed in the books "Writing An Interpreter In Go" and "Writing a Compiler in Go"
Lab of the course Languages, Compilers and Interpreters (Cod. 653AA) @ UNIPI