An intuitive software erector kit targeted at people new to programming, but with enough potential to stay useful once they've learned, inspired by HyperCard.
Little app to see HyperCard stacks in Mac OS X. Programmed in Swift.
A clone of Apple's HyperCard and HyperTalk scripting language.
Classic Mac OS resource fork and application disassembler, with reverse-engineering tools for specific applications
OpenXION - Reference Implementation of the XION Scripting Language
#前端开发#Hyperscript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text. (_hyperscript, HTMX)
My Background CheatSheets for ViperCard in PDF, JPG, PNG and JSON (
Old source code to run HyperCard, SuperCard or Oracle Media Objects XCMDs and XFCNs on Classic MacOS and Carbon.
HyperCard XFCN for use with the Mini vMac emulator that lets you read and/or write the host computer's clipboard from inside the emulator.
An old HyperCard native code plugin (XCMD) for doing all sorts of drawing commands in HyperCard, quickly, and even with color.
A web site about examining Smalltalk and HyperCard as systems that empower users to modify their software.
Hypercard development system based on Mini vMac emulator
#IOS#1 part HyperCard, 1 part realBasic, and 3 parts Swift. This code currently just highlights most swift code. However, in the future this will be able to do things based on the compiled text. I'm thinki...
a simple xTalk-related scripting language implemented in JavaScript, primarily intended to simplify development of web applications