Handy tool set for developers. 开发者常备小工具
Calculator app created with Java Swing, It is simple with an easy code to help novices learn how to operate a calculator.
#前端开发#jExifToolGUI is a multi-platform java/Swing graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey
Java project using Swing and MySql for pharmacy management.
RedisFront 是一款开源免费的跨平台 Redis 桌面客户端工具, 支持单机模式, 集群模式, 哨兵模式以及 SSH 隧道连接, 欢迎下载使用.
Explorative Java Swing GUI example code from 2016 with an implementation of MVVM (Model View ViewModel) using RxJava and RxSwing. DON'T use it in production, there are some open issues here!
chat application on java swing with socket io
A simple Minecraft BOT for 1.18.2
My solutions for Deitel & Deitel - Java How to Program, 11/e (Early Objects).
💣 An object-oriented clone of the famous Windows game Minesweeper made in Java-Swing Framework following the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. Its a stand-alone desktop game which also provid...
This is a restaurant management software which I developed for one of the assignment in Programming one course.
E-Learning System is a desktop-based Windows application developed in Java with Swing and AWT. This project aims at serving Students and Teachers in Online-based learning. The GUI is solely developed...
java-swing-gui-stater | Java Swing GUI Maven 项目模板 | 简单的教程