#安卓#A cross-platform programmable network tool
翻译 - Brook是跨平台的强加密功能,无法检测到代理。零配置。
🥧 Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
翻译 - 🥧迅速实现QUIC传输协议和HTTP / 3
A guide to writing a DNS Server from scratch in Rust
翻译 - 在Rust中从头开始编写DNS服务器的指南
Cross-platform, C implementation of the IETF QUIC protocol, exposed to C, C++, C# and Rust.
翻译 - IETF QUIC协议的跨平台实现。
Netpoll 是由 字节跳动 开发的高性能 NIO(Non-blocking I/O) 网络库,专注于 RPC 场景。
WinDivert: Windows Packet Divert
Projects for security students
翻译 - 安全学生项目
Source code for the book "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues invo...
翻译 - 贾斯汀·塞茨(Justin Seitz)的《黑帽Python》一书的源代码。该代码已完全转换为Python 3,经过重新格式化以符合PEP8标准,并进行了重构以消除涉及不赞成使用的库的实现的依赖关系问题。
🚀Gev is a lightweight, fast non-blocking TCP network library / websocket server based on Reactor mode. Support custom protocols to quickly and easily build high-performance servers.
zenoh unifies data in motion, data in-use, data at rest and computations. It carefully blends traditional pub/sub with geo-distributed storages, queries and computations, while retaining a level of ti...
Official repository - Fully managed, cross platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) .NET library for capturing packets
A high-performance, lightweight, and cross-platform QUIC library
Fast and easy-to-use event-driven network library.
Source code for the book "Violent Python" by TJ O'Connor. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues involvi...
翻译 - TJ O'Connor撰写的“ Violent Python”一书的源代码。该代码已完全转换为Python 3,经过重新格式化以符合PEP8标准,并进行了重构以消除涉及不赞成使用的库的实现的依赖关系问题。
A Network Packet Sniffing tool developed in Python 3.
天问之路 - 学习笔记&学习周报。内容包括但不限于C++ STL、编译原理、LLVM IR Pass代码优化、CSAPP Lab、uCore操作系统等等。