#Awesome#This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos (@santosomar) and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking, bug bounties, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), artif...
翻译 - 该存储库主要由Omar Santos维护,并包含与道德黑客/渗透测试,数字取证和事件响应(DFIR),漏洞研究,漏洞利用开发,逆向工程等相关的数千种资源。
This repository contains a 90-day cybersecurity study plan, along with resources and materials for learning various cybersecurity concepts and technologies. The plan is organized into daily tasks, cov...
#Awesome#😎 🔗 Awesome list about all kinds of resources for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
Source code for the book "Black Hat Python" by Justin Seitz. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues invo...
翻译 - 贾斯汀·塞茨(Justin Seitz)的《黑帽Python》一书的源代码。该代码已完全转换为Python 3,经过重新格式化以符合PEP8标准,并进行了重构以消除涉及不赞成使用的库的实现的依赖关系问题。
Complete Listing and Usage of Tools used for Ethical Hacking
A comprehensive guide for web application penetration testing and bug bounty hunting, covering methodologies, tools, and resources for identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.
Tips and Tutorials for Bug Bounty and also Penetration Tests.
Chrome extension for studocu premium free
🚀🚀 This is a 🎇🔥 REAL WORLD🔥 🎇 Malware Collection I have Compiled & analysed by researchers🔥 to understand more about Malware threats😈, analysis and mitigation🧐.
👶 BabySploit Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework Written in Python 🐍
翻译 - :baby:用Python编写的BabySploit初学者Pentesting工具包/框架:snake:
Source code for the book "Violent Python" by TJ O'Connor. The code has been fully converted to Python 3, reformatted to comply with PEP8 standards and refactored to eliminate dependency issues involvi...
翻译 - TJ O'Connor撰写的“ Violent Python”一书的源代码。该代码已完全转换为Python 3,经过重新格式化以符合PEP8标准,并进行了重构以消除涉及不赞成使用的库的实现的依赖关系问题。
#安卓#Lockphish it's the first tool (07/04/2020) for phishing attacks on the lock screen, designed to grab Windows credentials, Android PIN and iPhone Passcode using a https link.
翻译 - Lockphish是第一个在锁定屏幕上进行网络钓鱼攻击的工具(07/04/2020),旨在使用https链接获取Windows凭据,Android PIN和iPhone Passcode。
Vagrant VirtualBox environment for conducting an internal network penetration test
Albanian Hacking Tool!! Tools to help you with ethical hacking, Social media hack, phone info, Gmail attack, phone number attack, user discovery, Anonymous-sms, Webcam Hack • Powerful DDOS attack too...
Deploy stealthy reverse shells using advanced process hollowing with GhostStrike – a C++ tool for ethical hacking and Red Team operations.
A Network Packet Sniffing tool developed in Python 3.
These are my checklists which I use during my hunting.
A command-line utility designed to discover URLs for a given domain in a simple, efficient way. It works by gathering information from a variety of passive sources, meaning it doesn't interact directl...