Open Source Vulnerability Management Platform
翻译 - 协同渗透测试和漏洞管理平台
#安全#A collection of Burpsuite Intruder payloads, BurpBounty payloads, fuzz lists, malicious file uploads and web pentesting methodologies and checklists.
翻译 - Burpsuite入侵者有效负载,BurpBounty有效负载,模糊列表,恶意文件上传以及网络渗透测试方法和清单的集合。
有关burpsuite的插件(非商店),文章以及使用技巧的收集(此项目不再提供burpsuite破解文件,如需要请在博客mrxn.net下载)---Collection of burpsuite plugins (non-stores), articles and tips for using Burpsuite, no crack version file
HaE - Highlighter and Extractor, Empower ethical hacker for efficient operations.
翻译 - HaE - BurpSuite 荧光笔和提取器
A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.
Burp Bounty (Scan Check Builder in BApp Store) is a extension of Burp Suite that allows you, in a quick and simple way, to improve the active and passive scanner by means of personalized rules through...
翻译 - Burp Bounty(BApp Store中的Scan Check Builder)是Burp Suite的扩展,它使您可以通过非常直观的图形界面通过个性化规则,以快速简便的方式改进主动和被动扫描仪。
A burp extension that add some useful function to Context Menu 添加一些右键菜单让burp用起来更顺畅
Complete Listing and Usage of Tools used for Ethical Hacking
TCP/UDP Non-HTTP Proxy Extension (NoPE) for Burp Suite.
InQL is a robust, open-source Burp Suite extension for advanced GraphQL testing, offering intuitive vulnerability detection, customizable scans, and seamless Burp integration.
翻译 - InQL-GraphQL安全测试的Burp扩展
HackBar plugin for Burpsuite
翻译 - Burpsuite的HackBar插件
BurpCrypto is a collection of burpsuite encryption plug-ins, support AES/RSA/DES/ExecJs(execute JS encryption code in burpsuite). 支持多种加密算法或直接执行JS代码的用于爆破前端加密的BurpSuite插件
翻译 - BurpCrypto是burpsuite加密插件的集合,支持AES / RSA / DES / ExecJs(在burpsuite中执行JS加密代码)。
Burp extension to evade TLS fingerprinting. Bypass WAF, spoof any browser.
CaA - Collector and Analyzer, Insight into information, exploring with intelligence in a thousand ways.
翻译 - CaA - BurpSuite 收集器和分析器
BurpSuite收集:包括不限于 Burp 文章、破解版、插件(非BApp Store)、汉化等相关教程,欢迎添砖加瓦---burpsuite-pro burpsuite-extender burpsuite cracked-version hackbar hacktools fuzzing fuzz-testing burp-plugin burp-extensions bapp-store ...
Automatic authorization enforcement detection extension for burp suite written in Jython developed by Barak Tawily in order to ease application security people work and allow them perform an automatic...
OneScan 是一款用于递归目录扫描的 BurpSuite 插件