A Burp Suite extension that integrates OpenAI's GPT to perform an additional passive scan for discovering highly bespoke vulnerabilities and enables running traffic-based analysis of any type.
A burp extension that add some useful function to Context Menu 添加一些右键菜单让burp用起来更顺畅
TCP/UDP Non-HTTP Proxy Extension (NoPE) for Burp Suite.
HackBar plugin for Burpsuite
翻译 - Burpsuite的HackBar插件
BurpCrypto is a collection of burpsuite encryption plug-ins, support AES/RSA/DES/ExecJs(execute JS encryption code in burpsuite). 支持多种加密算法或直接执行JS代码的用于爆破前端加密的BurpSuite插件
翻译 - BurpCrypto是burpsuite加密插件的集合,支持AES / RSA / DES / ExecJs(在burpsuite中执行JS加密代码)。
BurpSuite收集:包括不限于 Burp 文章、破解版、插件(非BApp Store)、汉化等相关教程,欢迎添砖加瓦---burpsuite-pro burpsuite-extender burpsuite cracked-version hackbar hacktools fuzzing fuzz-testing burp-plugin burp-extensions bapp-store ...
Automatic authorization enforcement detection extension for burp suite written in Jython developed by Barak Tawily in order to ease application security people work and allow them perform an automatic...
OneScan 是一款用于递归目录扫描的 BurpSuite 插件
一个想让你测试加密流量像测试明文一样简单高效的 Burp 插件。 A Burp plugin that makes testing encrypted traffic as simple and efficient as testing plaintext.
CVE-2021-44228 Log4j2 BurpSuite Scanner,Customize ceye.io api or other apis,including internal networks
翻译 - CVE-2021-44228 log4j2 RCE Burp Suite Passive Scanner,可以自定义ceye.io api或其他api,包括内部网络
reCAPTCHA = REcognize CAPTCHA: A Burp Suite Extender that recognize CAPTCHA and use for intruder payload 自动识别图形验证码并用于burp intruder爆破模块的插件
HopLa Burp Suite Extender plugin - Adds autocompletion support and useful payloads in Burp Suite
翻译 - HopLa Burp Suite Extender插件-在Burp Suite中添加了自动补全支持和有用的有效负载
#网络爬虫#A Burp Suite Extension that try to find all sub-domain, similar-domain and related-domain of an organization automatically! 基于流量自动收集整个企业或组织的子域名、相似域名、相关域名的burp插件
Burp Plugin to decrypt AES encrypted traffic on the fly
新一代子域名主/被动收集工具 - Subdomain automatic/passive collection tool
Log4Shell scanner for Burp Suite