#安全#sqlmap 是一个开源的渗透测试工具,可以用来自动化的检测,利用SQL注入漏洞,获取数据库服务器的权限。它具有功能强大的检测引擎,针对各种不同类型数据库的渗透测试的功能选项,包括获取数据库中存储的数据,访问操作系统文件甚至可以通过带外数据连接的方式执行操作系统命令。
有关burpsuite的插件(非商店),文章以及使用技巧的收集(此项目不再提供burpsuite破解文件,如需要请在博客mrxn.net下载)---Collection of burpsuite plugins (non-stores), articles and tips for using Burpsuite, no crack version file
Dude Suite Web Security Tools
#安全#SQLi-Hunter is a simple HTTP / HTTPS proxy server and a SQLMAP API wrapper that makes digging SQLi easy.
Fox-scan is a initiative and passive SQL Injection vulnerable Test tools.
#安全#This repository contains full code examples from the book Gray Hat C#
#安全#An automatic SQL Injection tool which takes advantage of ~DorkNet~ Googler, Ddgr, WhatWaf and sqlmap.
XSSMap 是一款基于 Python3 开发用于检测 XSS 漏洞的工具
市场上虽然存在大量的网络安全工具和软件,但它们大多针对某一特定领域或功能,缺乏一个统一的、集成的、易于使用的综合工具平台。这导致参赛者在CTF竞赛中需要频繁切换不同的工具,不仅降低了工作效率,还增加了操作失误的风险。由gitee转发 ↓
#安全#Bypass WAF SQL Injection SQLMAP
🧠 Talvez essa seja o caminho mais apropriado para quem quer sair da Matrix e conhecer de verdade como funciona o interminável campo de batalha dentro da internet. 🧠
smartrecon is a powerful shell script to automate the recon and finding common vulnerabilities for bug hunter
An awesome resource listing and explaining various commonly used *nix commands
SQLMutant is a powerful SQL injection testing tool that includes both passive and active reconnaissance processes for any given domain. It filters URLs to identify those with parameters susceptible to...