New Interface And Loading Screen For Termux Users
#Awesome#Awesome Termux :- Bash Scripts, Wiki, Articles,Shells & Many More...
Secure your Termux app with Termux Login Script
Beautify your Termux App with this Shell 😍
#安卓#Bash script for installing Alpine Linux in Termux - 100 MB.
Give A Awesome Look to your Termux App
Graphical User Interface for Termux (XFCE and MATE)
#安卓#You can use au 📲 (auto upgrade) to backup your Termux *.deb packages; This enables rollback in Termux.
Control your phone using advantages of the termux-api over ssh from your linux pc.
A network penetration testing framework born for real-world situations.为实战而生的渗透测试框架。
#安卓#AIO Termux >>> bash <(curl -fsSL <<<
A simple script to install heroku CLI on Termux android app
An automated phishing tool with 30+ templates. This Tool is made for educational purpose only ! Author will not be responsible for any misuse of this toolkit !
#安卓#Android APK app sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#A Tool For Termux Users
#安卓#Alrc-termux is a framework designed to enrich the Termux user experience by providing bash shell configuration and useful plugins."
#安卓#A easy pre-configured, user friendly Termux script for your Android device. Commands, instructions included in Wiki section