An awesome list of tips for Android.
翻译 - 一系列很棒的Android提示。
#安卓#Really quickly build APKs on handheld device (smartphone or tablet) in Amazon, Android, Chromebook and Windows📲 See to start building APKs.
#安卓#Android APK app sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#Android Github Action that builds Android project, runs unit tests and generates debug APK, builds for Github Actions hackathon
View android apk as java code in gui
#安卓#Android APK app sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#Android APK app sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#glassdoor is a modern, autonomous security framework for Android APKs. POC, unmaintained unfortunately.
#安卓#How to build an Android APK from the command line, without IDE
#安卓#:robot: A Simple Android APK Reader in Node.js
#安卓 Android APK app sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#Android APK sample sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android and Chromebook!
#安卓#Android APK game sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android, Chromebook and Windows!
#安卓#Android APK sources that build in Termux on Amazon Fire, Android, Chromebook and Windows!
Android APK to be used in contacts with clients (CRM)
Unpack/Pack Android's apk and sign it. No prerequisites required
#安卓#Tomodoro is an App which has a todo list and a pomodoro. 🍅🕰