#安卓#🚀 Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer
翻译 - :rocket:终极Android参考-您成为更好的Android开发者的道路
🧱 A tetris game fully built using Jetpack Compose
Free and paid game assets and game resources for 2D games, 3D games, mobile games, Steam games, Unity games, and other games.
libGDX game based on the original 1010!
#安卓#Godot 3.6 / ROTA /Gravity Bending Puzzle Platformer Game / Open Source Fork
#安卓#Play retro games against each other in any combination in this open source Android multiplayer game.
#安卓#The well known brick game written with Kotlin Multiplatform and Jetpack Compose Multiplatform.
Godot 3.6 / Tiny Crate / Crate Chucking Puzzle Platformer Game / Open Source Fork
#安卓#Android app that allows you to draw anything and turn it into a jigsaw puzzle.
#安卓#Gauguin is a Sudoku-like game for Android where you solve grids via calculation and logic.
#安卓#A racing car game implementation using Jetpack Compose
Strategy game with countless unique and challenging levels.
#安卓#Catcheep is an android game where you play as someone helping aliens to go back to their planet, the way to do so is by catching sheep that are concidered as their energy source, Made with Unity3D!
#安卓#Android version Conway's Game of Life. Based on material you. Realized with jetpack compose libraries.