#安卓#🚀 Ultimate Android Reference - Your Road to Become a Better Android Developer
翻译 - :rocket:终极Android参考-您成为更好的Android开发者的道路
#安卓#👻 Android Essential Libraries - A couple of the Android Libraries to use in your Projects 🛠
Android 主流开源库是如何实现的呢?来自己动手实现一个
#安卓#👓 An extensive collection of Android Assets for Android studio, AOSP and Android developer documentation.
#安卓#Android app that shows what happened today in the history.
#安卓#A modern - simplified list of the most important android libraries that make our lives easier, and better :)
#安卓#MathStore is a ultimate calculator solution with a comprehensive set of tools for easy calculations.
#Awesome#A curated list of awesome android open source projects including used libraries which made them awesome 🚿
#安卓#Android app the collect information about Anime and Manga using Kitsu API
#安卓#A news application that allows you to browse, search and save news articles from newsAPI.org. This Application uses MVVM Architecture.
#安卓#[WIP] An Android application with Hearthstone cards
Android version of IoG Mobile App Infrastructure