#安卓#An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state...
翻译 - 受功能反应式编程启发的适用于所有.NET平台的高级,可组合,功能性反应式模型-视图-视图模型框架。 ReactiveUI允许您从用户界面中抽象出可变状态,在一个易读的地方表达围绕功能的想法,并提高应用程序的可测试性。
Participate in Hacktoberfest by contributing to any Open Source project on GitHub! Here is a starter project for first time contributors. #hacktoberfest
翻译 - 通过参与GitHub上的任何开源项目来参与Hacktoberfest!这是初学者的入门项目。 #hacktoberfest
a collaborative knowledge-exchange platform in Rails; we welcome first-time contributors! 🎈
翻译 - Rails中的协作式知识交换平台;我们欢迎初次贡献者! :气球:
#算法刷题#This repository consists of solutions to the problem from LeetCode platform. Subscribe to our Channel for more updates
Welcome to Open-source! Simply add your details to contributors | Repo for Hacktoberfest 2020 ✅
翻译 - :octocat:只需将您的详细信息添加到自述文件中,就有机会获得免费的三通! ✅
Hello World in all possible programmnig languages
#算法刷题#A repository with a bunch of funny algorithms, beginners friendly
#算法刷题#This repository is in development phase and will soon provide you with c++ code of various data structures and algorithms
翻译 - 该存储库处于开发阶段,很快将为您提供各种数据结构和算法的C ++代码
Place to contribute if you are a first timer
翻译 - 如果您是初学者,可以贡献自己的一份力量
Fork, Commit, Merge. A project designed to help you familiarize yourself with the open source contribution workflow on GitHub!
#计算机科学#A beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Data Structures & Algorithms in various programming languages Please leave a star ⭐ to support this project! ✨
#安卓#👻 Android Essential Libraries - A couple of the Android Libraries to use in your Projects 🛠
The place where future contributors are born
Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes | Give a poetic touch to readmes
This hacktoberfest project exists to help you submit your first Pull Request and welcome you to the world of open source!
#安卓#This is a beginner-friendly repo to make a collection of some unique and awesome projects. Everyone in the community can benefit & get inspired by the amazing projects present over here.
#Awesome#A collection of awesome scripts from developers around the globe.
A beginner-friendly project to help you in open-source contributions. Made specifically for contributions in HACKTOBERFEST 2020! Hello World Programs and Algorithms! Please leave a star ⭐ to support t...
A simple SDL2 audio library without SDL_Mixer for playing music and multiple sounds natively in SDL2
#计算机科学#Open-source project hosted at https://makeuseofdata.com to crowdsource a robust collection of notes related to data science (math, visualization, modeling, etc)